onfusion has shrouded social media and tech websites. The question that seems to arise over and over again: What font does Facebook use on it's site? Genuinely, it's been a question I too have had on my mind lately. I often wonder about many of the leading website logos and precisely the font they adopt to become a part of their brand, what that site will be perceived instantly for.
A font adopted in design is very intimate. As a designer it is vital and can often be a tremendous roadblock when it comes to the font that will be used in a logo or in any design piece as a matter of fact. fonts used should be related to what the design is trying to convey or what it stands for, it's intent, it's purpose. It all needs to convert, the design elements as well as the font used. For example, the Facebook font is clean, professional, simple and it's my opinion that it transposes well to what Facebook does as a service.
Now, on to what you really want to hear: What font does Facebook use? The simple answer is that there is no font that is specifically what Facebook uses in it's logo. In order to get the Facebook font look you'll just have to do some good old fashion investigating. There is a immense collection of fonts that look very similar to the font used on Facebook but the truth is that not one of them are specifically what you want. some say that Facebook's graphic designer easily distorted or changed the font to reflect the company better.

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